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Suspension Training Exercises for Baseball Players

April 14, 2022

Suspension Training Exercises for Baseball Players
Baseball players go through a lot of training in the off season, as well as during the season, and for good reason. Baseball players need the perfect mix of strength, power, mobility, and speed to be able to play day in and day out for months on end. Think about all of the muscles are used to swing a bat or throw a pitch. Seems simple, but these muscles need intense training to avoid injury and be able to play their best. 

Suspension training is one of the best ways to fine tune your muscles for baseball. You can mimic swinging a bat, throwing a pitch, and work on your core. When you can train using similar movement patterns, your results will be outstanding and keep you injury free. Below are three key suspension training exercises for baseball players that keep them in tip top shape year round. 

Suspended Planks

Baseball players can have the biggest biceps or train their legs like no other, but if they don’t have a strong core they won’t be able to perform their best. Having a strong core is where it all starts. To perform a suspended plank, put your feet in the Redcord cables so they’re suspended off the ground. Get into plank position and hold that for as long as your trainer says. Planks work the shoulders, core, and trunk, and a suspended plank also works the glutes. Practicing your plank work is key for a solid foundation. 

Baseball Swings

In order to perform consistently every day, baseball players need to work on their swing by following the same routine and movement. Afterall, a baseball swing is a very violent movement for your body, activating muscles in your arms, core, and legs. 

By using a Redcord suspension training system, you can practice your baseball swing and get it to where you need to be. With the assistance of the system, simply perform your swing repeatedly to practice your swing. Consistent movements will strengthen your back and shoulder muscles while stimulating your full swing.  

Practicing your swing with Redcord helps prevent injuries and builds up your performance. Remember, it’s all about the core - so build up that first so you reduce some of the stress placed on you body by the motion of the swing. You can also increase your hitting power with these four exercises. 

Suspended Rows

Having a strong core is important, but so is having a strong back so you can prevent injury with daily baseball swings and pitches. Regular, weighted rows are a great way to build muscle mass but doing a row off of a suspension trainer makes it ten times more effective. Not only will you work your back and shoulders, you’ll also feel this in your glutes and core. To really activate your core, you can perform suspended rows on an uneven surface. 

By utilizing suspension training, you can enhance your body’s ability to play baseball like the pros. Baseball is a tough sport, but you can prevent injuries by utilizing our Redcord system. You can learn more about using Redcord training for recovery and prevention. At North Platte Physical Therapy, we can help you recover or avoid an injury. Contact us today to get started!

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Physical Therapy Sessions From Your Cheyenne Physical Therapist

March 4, 2022

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Physical Therapy Sessions From Your Cheyenne Physical Therapist
Seeking treatment from a physical therapist can appear intimidating at first. Any time you enter a medical office for the first time, you may have a variety of questions and concerns regarding what to expect from your experience. While anything that is new can initially seem like a scary process, this does not need to be the case, specifically if you are seeking services from your physical therapist in Cheyenne. If you are in the process of finding a new physical therapist, you will want to have the right questions in mind before you go in for your first appointment. With that in mind, here’s why seeing a physical therapist in Cheyenne can be a huge benefit for your health.

Find a Physical Therapist Who Meets Your Style

One of the biggest things that can determine whether you will get the most out of your physical therapy is whether the practitioner who is working with you is the right fit for your individual style. For instance, some people may benefit from someone who is very directive and is very strict with how you perform certain exercises or simply is more motivational with regard to your treatment. On the other hand, another person may prefer to work with someone who is more flexible and allows a person to go at their own pace. In the recovery process it is essentially important to work with someone who can meet you where you are at and can make the journey back to your former self an easier process.

Know What To Expect Before You Go

If you’re hoping to gain the most out of anything, physical therapy sessions included, you will want to have a fair amount of understanding about what you will be in for when you start your physical therapy journey. Before you enter the physical therapy office in Cheyenne, you will want to familiarize yourself with what physical therapy will actually entail in order to allow you a better experience. Knowing what to expect before you go can help you prepare for whatever your physical therapist may decide to prescribe for you in your treatment plan.

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How To Do New Years Resolutions Right From Your Cheyenne Physical Therapist

February 14, 2022

How To Do New Years Resolutions Right From Your Cheyenne Physical Therapist
Seeking treatment from a physical therapist can appear intimidating at first. Any time you enter a medical office for the first time, you may have a variety of questions and concerns regarding what to expect from your experience. While anything that is new can initially seem like a scary process, this does not need to be the case, specifically if you are seeking services from your physical therapist in Cheyenne. If you are in the process of finding a new physical therapist, you will want to have the right questions in mind before you go in for your first appointment. With that in mind, here’s why seeing a physical therapist in Cheyenne can be a huge benefit for your health.

Make It Attainable and Realistic

When many people make new year’s resolutions, they set their sights so high that their goals become immediately unattainable. These include wanting to lose 100 pounds instead of something more manageable. It can also be setting a goal to work out every single day of the year. In both of these situations, a person is setting themselves up for failure as they are making the goal far out of reach. Often, perfection can be the enemy of the good and you don’t want to set yourself up for failure by making a goal that is simply unattainable and unrealistic.

Focus On The Most Relevant Change To You

When deciding what to focus on, many people tend to overload themselves and make it so they want to change every single thing about their life. While this type of mindset can be great, it can also make it so that any kind of change is difficult. Changing everything all at once can throw off our sense of normalcy, something we’ve all experienced a bit of over the last two years. Instead, think of the most important and relevant activity or milestone you hope to achieve and put your energy on that instead. Once you have made the necessary changes to your routine, you will be much more capable of getting to your goal.

If you are in need of physical therapy, or have questions about what physical therapy consists of, contact North Platte physical therapy today and we will be happy to assist you with your first steps towards recovery. We offer our clients the best possible care and service and we are committed to helping all of our clients reach their individual treatment goals. If you are recovering from an injury or need to work on improving your overall health, we are happy to help assist you in this process. You shouldn’t have to suffer unnecessarily in your recovery from a serious injury or surgery and we want to help you get back to where you deserve to be. If you are in need of some degree of intervention or rehabilitation you should seriously consider attending physical therapy from a trusted physical therapist in Cheyenne.

Back Surgery: 101

February 14, 2022

Back Surgery: 101
Have you been told you’ll need to have back surgery? Back surgery can certainly be overwhelming, and even a little scary...but it doesn’t have to be.There are some important things you should know about back surgery and if you are on the fence knowing the pros and cons of pursuing back surgery can help you make your decision. If you still have questions, reach out to your local Wyoming or Nebraska physical therapist, or your team here at North Platte. 

There is always a reason your doctor is recommending back surgery - keep that in mind. While it can seem extreme, or even scary, you don’t need to be worried. Having the back surgery your doctor recommends can result in several benefits, including improved physical fitness/ability, improved mood, and ultimately getting back to your normal mode of operation. Post surgery, there might be some additional work needed...and that’s where we come in. Physical therapy after back surgery is extremely important - it’ll help you return to your normal day to day routine faster, and with less complications.

Now, there are a few different types of back surgery, and while the list is exhaustive here are some of the most common surgeries to help solve for back pain:
  • Spinal fusion: If you are having a spinal fusion surgery, your doctor will be joining your vertebrae. This is a common type of surgery, however the surgery will limit your motion between the vertebrae. Despite this, most likely you will not experience any limit in your range of motion. 
  • Laminectomy: This is a surgery in which parts of your bone, bone spurs, or ligaments will be removed. While this will help relieve any pressure you are can lead to a more unstable spine. Often times you might have this surgery, and then a spinal fusion to assist in stabilization. 
  • Disk replacement: This is exactly what it sounds like - a surgeon will remove a damaged disk and replace it with an artificial one. This tends to be similar to a spinal fusion, but recovery time is much shorter and this surgery will allow you to continue to move your spine.

If you have questions concerning an upcoming back surgery, we recommend that you reach out to your primary care physician and/or your physical therapist. You should always ask questions if you are having questions or doubts about an upcoming surgery or even treatment. If you are experiencing body aches and pains, also be sure to reach out to your primary care physician or our team. At North Platte Physical Therapy, we are here to help meet your needs. We serve the communities of Wyoming and Nebraska with 22 clinics offering a full range of physical therapy services. Contact us today for more information.

3 Tips to Prevent Lower Back Pain While Working From Home

January 24, 2022

3 Tips to Prevent Lower Back Pain While Working From Home
These days, it seems like more and more people are having to make a near-permanent transition to working from home full-time. While it does offer many health benefits and allows you to skip the commute you normally make each day, there are a few issues that many work-from-home employees experience that will feel completely new. Low back pain is one of the most common problems workers experience in their home office and, if it gets bad enough, can leave you looking for physical therapy services. Luckily, much of that pain can be prevented. Here are a few tips to help.

1. Get up and Move

Though it may seem counterintuitive, most workers are actually more productive at home than they are in an office. There are fewer distractions and when you’re in charge of how you structure your day, it’s easier to maintain your focus. However, it does mean that workers have the tendency to stay at their desk for longer periods of time. If you’re sitting still for hours, remember to take a break and move around your home. Set reminders every two hours and walk a quick lap around your living room or office. Just a little movement throughout the day can help you stay loose and reduce your risk of back pain. 

2. Focus on Ergonomics

A lot of pain in the lower back is caused by the way you sit at your desk. If you slouch, you put strain on the muscles around your spine. Take a look at your current workstation. If you’re working on the couch in your living room, move to a desk with a proper chair. It’s also helpful to put your laptop up on a stand (a shoebox will do the trick) to get your monitor closer to eye level. If possible, invest in a good desk chair with plenty of lumbar support so you can maintain good posture throughout the workday. These things combined will help you reduce the likelihood of feeling sore and stiff after work each day.

3. Keep up With Your Exercise Routine

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health, but when you’re working from home or don’t have access to your normal gym, staying active isn’t easy. Instead of giving up, do what you can to be consistent with your exercise routine. Go for a walk or run outside, get a good high-intensity interval workout done in your living room, or run through a yoga routine in your backyard. It doesn’t matter what you do to stay active as long as you make sure you’re still getting your heartrate up and challenging your muscles on a regular basis.

Need Help Getting Out of Pain?
If you’re still experiencing frequent low back pain, don’t ignore it or let it interrupt your life. Get help from an experienced physical therapist as soon as possible. They’ll help you figure out what’s causing your pain and what you can do to prevent it in the future. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.