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Love a good knuckle cracking? Get the truth about how this affects your body.

July 17, 2019

Love a good knuckle cracking? Get the truth about how this affects your body.
Knuckle cracking can be one of the most gratifying experiences, and many do it as stress relief and even to help with sore joints. But is cracking your knuckles really good for you? There’s always been a debate on whether cracking your knuckles is truly good for you, or if there is any damage that might occur as a side effect. While you knuckles might feel “loose” after, the question cracking your knuckles going to cause long-term damage? Your Wyoming therapist is here to help.

What does knuckle cracking really do?
In basics, cracking any joint is really just bending the joint until it makes a popping sound. While you might feel that your joints are “loose,” there is no medical evidence that cracking your joints actually help to relieve any pain or pressure. There is a possibility that it is a placebo effect - so keep that in mind!

Are their side effects to cracking your knuckles?
Whew, this one is a hard one to explain. For decades the theory has been that popping your knuckles can ultimately lead to arthritis, but honestly there isn’t any research to support this. We feel confident in saying that overall it is unlikely that knuckle cracking is related to arthritis. 

However, you should not just be worried about artritis. Be careful when popping your knuckles/fingers. If you crack your knuckles, or fingers, by pulling on them it is possible to pull your finger right out of its joint! This would certainly be an unpleasant experience,  but it’s also possible to damage ligaments doing this. So be careful. In addition, cracking knuckles can cause inflammation and weaken your grip over time. While it’s not as bad as arthritis, it can be uncomfortable and cause issues. 

How to maintain healthy joints
If you are looking to keep your joints healthy, there are a few things you can do. While you don’t have to stop cracking your knuckles...why risk inflammation and possibly weaken your grip. The biggest thing you can do for your joints is to maintain a healthy body weight, stay healthy through exercise, and continue to eat healthy and watch your nutrition.

Everyone’s body is different, so when it comes to your care be sure to stay in close contact with your doctor as well as your physical therapist. If you realize you might be encountering some unpleasant wrist or hand pain, contact us. At North Platte Physical Therapy, we are here to help meet your needs. We serve the communities of Wyoming and Nebraska with 22 clinics offering a full range of physical therapy services. Contact us today for more information.

What you need to know about c-section recovery, from your Wyoming physical therapist

July 10, 2019

What you need to know about c-section recovery, from your Wyoming physical therapist
If you've recently had a baby - congratulations! Having a baby is an exciting time, but can be overwhelming and even stressful. If you needed a c-section, that can only add to your stress and the emotional rollercoaster you might be feeling. Recovery from a c-section should be relatively painless, but it can involve some additional steps even physical therapy. Here are some of our tips to help you to a speedy recovery:

Get Moving
We mean this, but be sure to take it easy. When we say get moving we mean participate in some light stretching, a brisk walk, or something that won’t put too much stress on your body. By getting your body moving, not only will you have the chance to get some much needed fresh air - but can also help get your collagen moving and prevent it from shortening. Just make sure to get your doctor’s approval prior to moving to often or starting a new routine. 

Scar Tissue Massage
To help prevent any adhesions from forming along your scar, we recommend scar tissue massage. Practicing light scar tissue will help your scar heal and help to prevent any further infection and scarring - just make sure you work together with your doctor and physical therapist to ensure it won’t cause any unintended damage. 

While growing in popularity, belly braces aren’t your best option when recovering from a c-section. Belly braces are advertised to help train your body to maintain a flatter stomach, however it can be possible that your body gets used to the brace doing the work and can ultimately cause undue stress to your body. Your body is in a delicate state after a c-section, it’s important to do the best you can to help you body heal properly and safely. However, the decision is always your choice, so do what you and your doctor feels is right for your body.

While we are advocates of always practicing self-care, you should be especially aware of your body and take care extra care after a c-section. C-sections can be traumatic for your body, so be sure to practice basic self-care. This includes getting plenty of rest, focusing on good nutrition, and relieving your pain through doctor approved exercises, physical therapy, and pain medication.
Everyone’s body is different, so when it comes to your care be sure to stay in close contact with your doctor as well as your physical therapist. As professionals we are here to help and guide you to the best possible solution. At North Platte Physical Therapy, we are here to help meet your needs and ensure a safe recovery, or a safe start to a new exercise routine. We serve the communities of Wyoming and Nebraska with 22 clinics offering a full range of physical therapy services. Contact us today for more information.

Easy ways to practice healthy living, from your Wyoming physical therapist

July 3, 2019

Easy ways to practice healthy living, from your Wyoming physical therapist
Healthy living can feel difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. No matter where you are at in your health journey, nutrition and exercise is your key to feeling great and living a long/healthy life. Not only this, but staying mindful of your health can help to prevent back pain, joint pain, and other common body aches and ailments as time goes on. If you are looking for some tips to help get you started on your healthy living journey, we have compiled our seven best tips - straight from your Wyoming physical therapist!
The first step in living a healthy lifestyle is exercise, and this includes more than just becoming a gym rat. You’d be surprised with how just moving your body more can help you feel rejuvenated and even make it easier to achieve your fitness goals. Here are some tips to help you get moving more often:
Take it easy: If you aren’t used to exercising, take it easy! Practice warming up and cooling down with each workout and make sure you switch up your exercise routine. It’s also important to listen to your body - if you are tired and sore, a rest day is much needed!
Go the extra mile: When it comes to your daily routine, try making small changes such as taking the stairs versus the elevator or parking in a spot slightly farther away. As these small changes become habits, you’ll start to see a difference. 
Find a buddy: Having a workout buddy will keep you accountable and give you someone to “feel the workout burn,” with! It’s easier for you to break a workout date with yourself, but not with a friend.

You can’t outrun a bad diet! Proper nutrition is essential in not only maintaining your ideal shape (no matter what that looks like), but it’s important in staying healthy and lively as well. Poor nutrition is the root cause of many health issues, here are some tips on how to focus on your nutrition, without breaking the bank or taking hours of your time: 
  • Bring your lunch: Bringing your lunch to work, or even when you know you’ll be gone all day, can help keep you on track to achieve your health and fitness goals. Not only will this help save you money, but it’ll be healthier and even boost your confidence.
  • Plan snacks: When it comes to day-snacking, always have your snacks ready to go and packed. By planning your snacks you can avoid unhealthy snacking.
  • Stock for success: Stock your pantry for success! Avoid buying cookies, candies and other unhealthy foods to stock your pantry with, but instead buy healthier options such as low-fat crackers, protein bars, and fruits/veggies. 
  • Portion control: Ever heard of everything is okay in moderation? While that isn’t always true, it is something good to remember when it comes to eating. It is perfectly okay to enjoy some brown rice, but maybe only have half a cup versus three cups!  
If you are unsure about starting a new exercise routine, or need assistance we are here to help! Our team of professionals at North Platte Physical Therapy, are here to help meet your needs. We serve the communities of Wyoming and Nebraska with 22 clinics offering a full range of physical therapy services for post-cast recovery. Contact us today for more information.

How to treat lower back pain from your Wyoming physical therapist

June 19, 2019

How to treat lower back pain from your Wyoming physical therapist
As the weather heats up, nothing can ruin your summer fun like lower back pain. Lower back pain can stop you from enjoying even the most relaxing of activities - from laying on a beach to taking a nice walk through the local landscaping you might be stopped by lower back pain. Here are some things that might be causing your lower back pain, and why you should see your Wyoming physical therapist.

Disc Issues
This is a common issue, and often a painful/uncomfortable one. Disc pain can be characterized by sharp pain in the lower back, that might migrate down your leg as well. If you are experiencing this type of pain, and it gets worse when you are sitting or bending over - you might have disc issues. Herniated discs often cause these issues, and it’s more common in younger generations than you might think.

Sacroiliac Dysfunction
Sacroiliac Dysfunction is a mouthful, but it’s also something that can cause pain during sitting, driving, broad pain, or pain while getting in and out of your car. It is a little harder to diagnose, but overall Sacroiliac Dysfunction is an issue with the sacrum and/or ilia. These types of issues can be long lasting, and take awhile to diagnose through MRIs or xrays. If you think you are experiencing this problem, be sure to have an open and honest conversation with your doctor. 

Spinal Stenosis
As your body ages, the ligaments connected to your vertebrae can begin to thicken (a result of osteoarthritis). As these ligaments thicken, the spinal canal can begin to narrow which causes additional pain and discomfort. Spinal stenosis can get so bad that you might begin to have difficulty walking and may require more than physical therapy assistance. If you think you might have developed spinal stenosis, seek medical attention and care immediately.

Muscle Strain
If the back pain is sudden onset, and doesn’t last for very long, you might have just strained a muscle or a ligament. While healing from a muscle or ligament strain, you’ll need to take things slowly and be careful not to create any additional pain or issues. As you recover from a strain, just make sure to keep using your back. While rest and relaxation is helpful, so is light physical activity such as walking and stretching. If you realize this is far too painful, refer to some relaxation and then connect with your Wyoming physical therapist. 

If you don’t meet any of the symptoms listed previously, but you are still experiencing chronic back pain - talk with your Wyoming physical therapist. Chronic back pain can be defined as back pain lasting longer than three months, but no one wants to deal with back pain for that long. At North Platte Physical Therapy, we are here to help meet your needs when it comes to managing and healing back pain. We serve the communities of Wyoming and Nebraska with 22 clinics offering a full range of physical therapy services for post-cast recovery. Contact us today for more information.

Staying healthy during the summer - from your Wyoming physical therapist

June 12, 2019

Staying healthy during the summer - from your Wyoming physical therapist
The summer months are here to stay, and as you spend more time outside you might be more likely to sustain injuries. Injuries can come in a number of forms and can often sneak up on you. You might be enjoying a hike with friends or family and start to feel a soreness in your ankle - or maybe you are enjoying a family cookout and take a misstep when taking food outside. No matter what happens or when, there are some ways you can avoid injury - take it from your Wyoming physical therapist.

Warming up 
If you plan on having a physically active day, it’s important to spend time warming up. This can include a light walk and stretch before you even leave your home. While warming up for a kayaking trip, hiking trip, or even a run outside a light walk or stretch can do wonders for your health and preventing injury. 

Pace yourself
It can be easy to get ahead of yourself when it comes to enjoying the summer weather. It might be tempting to do the 7-mile stretch versus the 5-mile on your first kayaking trip of the summer. Just remember, that although this might be fun, it isn’t always worth it and you can get seriously injured by over-exerting yourself. Remember to take things easy as your start a new exercise routine.

Pacing yourself applies to more than just physical activity. If you are working in the yard, around the house, or cleaning out a garage make sure you take extra care. It can be tempting to take more bags of mulch at once to avoid multiple trips, but this can actually lead to injury. Keep an eye on the way your body feels while performing household chores and maintenance.

Take care of yourself
While you should be doing this year-around, it’s extra important to take care of your body during the summer months. Heat can cause dehydration, and lack of proper nutrition can only accelerate these issues and cause more problems. Be sure to fuel your body properly, and carefully, during the summer. It’s going to be more important to consume more water as well if you notice that you are more tired than usual. 

Taking care of yourself includes warming up, as previously discussed, but also cooling down after physical activity and giving your body plenty of rest time. Rest time is essential in maintaining a healthy body, but also helping to reach your personal fitness goals.

If you begin to notice that you might have sustained an injury, or you aren’t feeling at your best, be sure to contact your Wyoming physical therapist for assistance. At North Platte Physical Therapy, we are here to help meet your needs when it comes to managing and healing back pain. We serve the communities of Wyoming and Nebraska with 22 clinics offering a full range of physical therapy services for post-cast recovery. Contact us today for more information.