Common Surgeries


Total Hip Arthroplasty (Replacement)

Total hip replacement is typically recommended when the following are present: severe osteoarthritis is present in the hip joint which is viewable on X-Ray, moderate to severe pain in the hip and increasing loss of function. It is common for Physical Therapists to assist in the recovery after a total hip replacement surgery. Recovery often consists of instruction/reinforcement of hip precautions and the instruction and use of a gait aid like a walker or cane. Physical therapy will help patients return to all activities they would like to participate in by regaining strength and improve the ability to walk more normally.

For additional comprehensive information about the surgery visit or call your local therapy clinic.

Spinal Fusion

Spinal fusion surgery is performed to fuse together two or more vertebrae so that they heal into a single, solid bone. This is done to eliminate painful motion or to restore stability to the spine. This type of spine surgery is more commonly performed on your low back and neck. There are multiple methods for spinal fusion which will be discuss with you by your physician. Physical therapy after spinal fusion will help decrease pain as you recover as well as address abdominal weakness following your surgery.

For more information regarding a spinal fusion visit:

Total Knee Arthroplasty (Replacement)

A total knee arthroplasty consists of resurfacing the bone ends of the knee joint when moderate to severe arthritis is present. A total knee replacement is usually recommended when there is a decrease in function, such as walking and stairs, secondary to increased knee pain. The joint surfaces are replaced with a metal cap and a plastic liner is inserted between the metal caps. After surgery your physical therapist will teach you how to move and use a walker correctly. As you progress with your recovery you will be instructed to complete a series of exercises to improve your range of motion and strength.

For more information regarding a Total Knee Arthroplasty visit:


Rotator Cuff Repair 

A rotator cuff tear can occur for many reasons. It can get pinched between other structures causing rubbing or tearing of the tendons; a trauma or injury could cause a tear of the rotator cuff as well. If your surgeon recommends surgery to repair a tear, typically, the torn tendon will have to be re-anchored to the bone of that it tore away from. Following surgery you will not be allowed to actively move your shoulder/arm for some weeks. Physical therapy will be recommended following this type of surgery to restore ROM and strength of the shoulder.

For more information regarding a Rotator Cuff Repair visit:

Meniscal Repair 

A meniscus tear is one of the most common knee injuries. The meniscus is referred to as the cartilage in the knee. It acts as a shock absorber for the knee. These types of injuries can happen for multiple reasons. A physician will diagnose a meniscal tear with an MRI and a physical exam. Physical therapy may be recommended by your physician following meniscus repair or partial meniscectomy (trimmed meniscus).


For more information regarding a Meniscal Repair visit:

Knee Arthroscopy (Scope)

A knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure where your surgeon will make two small incisions and insert a small camera (arthroscope) to view the inside of the knee joint. This surgery can be used to diagnose and treat conditions of the knee. Knee arthroscopy can be used to repair or remove torn meniscal cartilage, reconstruct a torn ligament, or remove inflamed or loose tissue. 


For more information regarding a Knee Arthroscopy visit: