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Benefits of Physical Therapy For Cancer Patients

Benefits of Physical Therapy For Cancer Patients
Cancer treatment is generally thought of as surgery or chemo and radiation therapies to rid the body of cancer cells. While eradicating cancer in the body is the most important aspect of treatment, it is not the only component. Studies have shown that physical therapy can be extremely beneficial for those who are currently undergoing, or who have just completed their cancer treatment. In discussing Physical Activity and the Cancer Patient, the American Cancer Society lists numerous short term and far reaching benefits of becoming more physically active for Cancer fighters and survivors.

Radiation and chemo leaves a patient extremely fatigued and sometimes even listless. While this is understandable, the more a person remains sedentary, the more tired they become. This downward spiral opens the door to muscle atrophy, weight gain after treatment, and also depression. During treatment, the ability to do strenuous activity may be limited but studies have shown that low to moderate exercise was well tolerated even by patients who were in the midst of their chemo and radiation treatments. Physical activity during treatment decreased recovery time significantly my maintaining core strength and limiting mobility issues.

Exercise also releases endorphins thereby staving off depression. Fatigue is reduced and the immune system is also given a much needed boost. Patients who have joined exercise classes or exercise groups saw even greater benefits with increased peer support and social contact. It has long been accepted that mental attitudes and emotional well-being is key in fighting any type of disease including cancer so this benefit cannot be overstated.

Maintaining strength during treatment also keeps complications to a minimum. Infections were decreased as were musculoskeletal problems such as osteoporosis. Greater range of motion, better pain management, increased endurance, and better balance resulting in fewer injuries are likely when participating in therapy to maintain muscle and cardio health. One of the most prevalent of chemo complications is overwhelming nausea. Doctors have found that moderate exercise during treatment can greatly reduce nausea.

Your physical therapist will work with you to customize a program that they feel will be most beneficial to you. This program will be based upon what type of cancer you have, what treatment you are undergoing, and what your overall fitness level was when you began your treatments. The goal is to stay as active and fit as possible without compromising your cancer treatment regimen. Low to moderate aerobic exercise will likely be introduced initially with increase strength training worked in as the patient is able. Some patients may benefit from flexibility and meditative exercise such as Yoga or Tai Chi. Such exercises contribute to physical health as well as stress reduction, and mental health.

Some exercise may be ok to begin on your own but be sure to check with your doctor before starting any physical activity program. You are better off relying on a professional physical therapist to help you set realistic goals and come up with a plan to help you achieve them without putting your health further at risk. Wyoming residents can call North Platte Physical Therapy today to get started on the road to recovery and long standing good health.

Physical Therapy Treatments for Osteoporosis

March 11, 2016

Physical Therapy Treatments for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which patients harbor thin and brittle bones that render them vulnerable to experience numerous painful and debilitating injuries. Many women develop osteoporosis, including those with a thin frame or who are progressing through the aging process. However, physical therapists can help you treat and overcome the condition. If you or someone you know has developed osteoporosis, it can help to understand the many treatments that Cheyenne physical therapists can provide.


The best Wyoming physical therapists can help you prevent injuries that are often induced by osteoporosis. Weak bones can impair your ability to function properly, inflict you with many bone fracture injuries, and prevent you from performing basic tasks. As a result, the preventative treatments of physical therapy are especially beneficial for osteoporosis patients. The therapy experts can provide advice to help you avoid injuries while maintaining a productive life and fulfilling daily functions. For instance, the professionals can teach you how to use proper body mechanics, rotate your body, and lift objects without straining your spine. The sessions would also substantially improve your balance. The therapists can help you maintain a steady and balanced posture, use proper walking techniques, and avoid falling down while standing or walking. Additionally, therapists can also provide information regarding the safe tasks that you can complete and the risky tasks that you should avoid.


Many types of exercises can also help you overcome the symptoms of osteoporosis. Physical therapy can teach you a diverse range of stretch routines. The stretches can help treat the condition by relieving the pain, rehabilitating past injuries, and by increasing your flexibility to avoid future injuries. Several aerobic, resistance, and spine exercise routines can also help treat osteoporosis. The experts can guide you through exercise routines during the sessions and teach you routines that you can perform at home. The exercises provide many benefits. For instance, exercise routines can help strengthen your bones, build your muscles, and improve your ability to complete tasks without incurring injuries. Each osteoporosis patient requires a different routine that addresses their specific issues. As a result, physical therapy experts can develop and customize exercise routines according to what would be most conducive for your body and most effective for your condition.


Many different modalities performed by the top Wyoming physical therapists can also help you manage your osteoporosis. Massages provide many advantages for patients in a variety of ways. Massages can reduce the pain in the affected areas, increase the circulation of blood and nutrients throughout the body, and accelerate the pace at which injuries heal. Massages can also help you prevent the onset of injuries by removing metabolic waste from your body. Removing toxins can expand the flexibility of your joints, increase the strength of your bones, and improve the health of your body. Additionally, physical therapy experts can also utilize technological device modalities to treat osteoporosis, including ultrasound and interferential current devices. These devices can help treat the condition by stimulating beneficial electrical currents that circulate medical nutrients throughout your body.


Contact North Platte Physical Therapy to receive osteoporosis treatment. Our award-winning staff is proud to provide exceptional and personalized physical therapy treatment throughout Wyoming and Nebraska. We can implement comprehensive treatments to help you rehabilitate from injuries, overcome the symptoms of osteoporosis, and maintain a happy and productive life.


Understanding Ultrasound for Physical Therapy Pain Management

Understanding Ultrasound for Physical Therapy Pain Management
Therapeutic ultrasound is an extremely effective modality for physical therapy in Casper, WY.  When most people hear the term ultrasound they do not equate it with pain management; the average person usually imagines a procedure done on expectant moms to check the progress of the pregnancy. The history of ultrasound is extensive and therapeutic ultrasound has been used by physical therapists since the 1930s for pain management and deep healing. Therapeutic ultrasound is just one of the many modalities used at North Platte Physical Therapy to promote health and healing.
  • What is Therapeutic Ultrasound?  Ultrasound waves are sound waves that exist beyond the scope of human hearing. These waves are generally in the vicinity of about 0.8 – 3.0 MHz, while we can hear somewhere in the ranges of 20Hz. These waves are used to generate heat and motion within the body to promote healing.
  • How does Ultrasound Therapy Work?  Ultrasound waves are administered through use of a wand place directly on the patient’s skin, generally using a protective gel. Treatment times for any one area is generally between 3 and 5 minutes. The sound waves, or ultrasound rays, penetrate within the body generating heat increasing blood flow, and relaxing muscles and connective tissues thereby reducing pain and muscle spasms. The stimulation of these tissues in this way encourages repair and can greatly reduce the healing time of certain injuries.
  • What is Ultrasound Therapy Used for?  Ultrasound therapy is used for a variety of injuries and conditions. One of the most recent uses is breaking up calcified stones in the gallbladder and kidneys. The most common uses in the physical therapy environment involve muscle and tissue injuries and chronic pain. It has shown to be effective for sports injuries, tendonitis, bursitis, and a variety of ligament and tendon injuries. It is also used to treat lower back pain, sprains, and joint contracture, such as frozen shoulder. By loosening tissue, burning off cell waste, and improving circulation to treated areas, range of motion is often increased.
  • Does Therapeutic Ultrasound hurt?  No, not at all. It is a completely non-invasive procedure. As the wand is pressed against your skin you may feel some heat and tingling but that’s all that most people experience when undergoing this type of treatment.
  • Can Anyone Use Therapeutic Ultrasound?  Therapeutic Ultrasound is generally safe for everyone with a few exceptions. Those suffering from hemophilia should not receive this type of treatment. This is also not a therapy generally practiced on those patients who have a pacemaker. If you have received cortisone injections over the past 30 days be sure to let your physical therapist know as they will want to avoid direct contact with that area. Ultrasound will never be performed on those with open sores or lesions. Be sure to alert your therapist if you are on antibiotics for an active infection of tissue or bone.
Ultrasound my speed your healing and increase the effectiveness of your physical therapy regimen. If you would like to discuss the possibility of this modality with a physical therapist in Casper, WY, please click here to fill out our contact form.  Our expert staff will be happy to discuss which forms of treatment would be best to help you obtain your physical goals.  

Physical Therapy Treatments for Ankle Sprains

February 26, 2016

Physical Therapy Treatments for Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains are painful conditions that can hinder your ability to stand or walk properly, perform daily chores, or fulfill tasks at work. Although ankle sprains are one of the most common orthopedic injuries, physical therapists can help relieve the pain and restore the proper functioning of your ankle more quickly than with no treatment. If you are experiencing pain in your ankle, it can help to learn about the many treatments that the best Cheyenne physical therapy companies can provide.  
  • Symptoms:  Most ankle sprains occur when your foot is awkwardly planted on the ground while you abruptly twist or rotate your body, which can tear ligaments in your ankle. Pain is a common symptom of a sprained ankle. The torn ligaments often facilitate an aching or throbbing sensation that can develop immediately after incurring the injury and then linger for an extensive period of time. Swelling is another symptom of a sprained ankle. The swelling is caused by blood rushing to the damaged ligaments, and the swollen mark can remain concentrated on your ankle, or the mark can spread and expand to envelop your entire calf and foot area.     
  • Rest:  The top Wyoming physical therapists can implement many rest treatments to help you recover from an ankle sprain. For instance, the therapists can apply cold treatments to relieve the symptoms associated with the injury. The cold packs can decrease the swelling, alleviate the pain, and reduce the effusion of the affected area. The therapists can also provide compression wraps or socks to help optimize the rest treatment. The gentle compression applied by the wraps can help remove the swelling from the area, relieve the pressure from your ankle, and protect your leg during the rehabilitation process.  
  • Modalities:  Technological modalities utilized by premier Cheyenne physical therapy companies can also treat ankle sprains. Many devices can help you overcome the condition. Ultrasound devices can transfer heat throughout your body, elevate the temperature of your tissues, and help reduce the pain and stiffness in your ankle. Electrical stimulators can also effectively treat the symptoms of ankle sprains. These devices can generate electrical currents, circulate medical nutrients throughout your ankle, and help repair and strengthen the damaged ligaments. Additionally, other modalities that can help treat your ankle sprain include Graston Techniques, kinesio taping, and manual massages.
  • Exercises:  The best Wyoming physical therapists can also teach you stretches and exercises that can accelerate the ankle sprain rehabilitation process. Many stretches can help reduce the pain, increase the range-of-motion of your ankle, and restore the proper functioning of your leg. The therapist can perform stretches on your ankle during the sessions and then show you effective stretching techniques that you can perform in your home. Exercise routines can also help treat ankle sprains. During the sessions, the therapists can customize and develop specific routines according to which types of exercises would be most appropriate for your body and for your condition. These exercises can then accelerate the recovery process, strengthen your ankle, and prevent you from incurring similar ankle injuries in the future.  
Contact North Platte Physical Therapy to treat your sprained ankle. Our expert staff has acquired a prestigious reputation throughout Wyoming and Nebraska for providing exceptional and customized physical therapy treatments. We provide each client with the care and attention they deserve, we have access to the most superior treatment techniques available, and we would be glad to implement a treatment program that can alleviate the symptoms of your sprained ankle and maximize the functioning of your body.

Don't Let Pain & Discomfort Persist - Get Help from a Physical Therapist

February 19, 2016

Don't Let Pain & Discomfort Persist - Get Help from a Physical Therapist
The human body is crucial for engaging in everyday activities, fulfilling professional obligations, and maintaining a happy and productive life. However, many painful conditions can impair the proper functioning of your body. Physical therapists can provide a comprehensive range of services to alleviate pain and treat many different conditions. If you are experiencing a condition that is causing you pain and hindering your body, it can help to learn about the many benefits of receiving physical therapy services in WY or NE.

Back Problems

Premier physical therapists can help you successfully recover from a diverse range of back conditions that many people experience. You can receive treatment for many upper back problems, including pulled muscles, cervical spine pain, facet syndrome, disc lesions, whiplash, or compression fractures. Physical therapy professionals can also help you rehabilitate from conditions that frequently impair the lower back, such as osteoporosis, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, disc problems, and obesity. Many different forms of treatment can accelerate the recovery process and restore the proper functioning of your back. The physical therapists can teach you the proper techniques and effective exercises that can help minimize the pain, strengthen your back, and improve the range-of-motion for the affected area. Additionally, physical therapy specialists can also treat your condition with innovative equipment and advanced technological devices, such as interferential currents, tens unit pads, and traction procedures.

Orthopedic Problems

You can also benefit from the orthopedic treatments provided by Cheyenne WY physical therapy services. Orthopedic conditions often involve upper extremity problems that emerge in your shoulders, arms, and wrists. Orthopedic problems can also develop in the lower extremity areas of your hips, knees or feet. However, any extremity impediments typically inflict you with severe pain and impair your ability to use your extremities to perform basic tasks. For instance, you might experience difficulties attempting to perform daily tasks that involve standing, walking, writing with pens, or lifting heavy objects. As a result, receiving treatment from a physical therapy expert can help relieve the pain in your extremities, improve the functioning of your joints, and enable you to remain productive while completing daily chores or professional tasks. Although many superior stretching techniques can help treat extremity conditions, professionals can also apply technological treatments with ultrasound, iontophoresis, and phonophoresis devices.

Injury Wounds

Top physical therapy professionals can also help you heal wounds and recover from various injuries. For instance, you might incur wounds from work injuries, athletic events, or performing chores around the house. Regardless of the cause, physical therapists can provide wound care services to treat most injuries and conditions. The professionals can alleviate the pain that accompanies the injury, prevent the wound from becoming inflamed, and facilitate the recovery process to diminish the size of the wound and to restore the proper functioning of your body. Additionally, the best physical therapy specialists can also provide many other recovery services. You can receive high-quality treatment for post-cancer issues, women’s health problems, or neurological conditions.

You should contact North Platte Physical Therapy, Bear Lodge Rehab, Big Country Rehab, or Monument Physical Therapy to help recover from any problems your body experiences. Our expert staff at any location possesses the advanced knowledge and superior training required to diagnose and treat your condition. We would be happy to provide evaluations, implement effective treatment strategies, and ensure that the treatment alleviates the symptoms of your condition and maximizes the quality of your life.