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Physical Therapy Services: Most Common Lower Back Pain Issues

Suffering from lower back pain can be excruciating for individuals, regardless of their age. While those who are younger or more athletic may recuperate at a faster pace, when pain is present, it can be extremely debilitating for all. Finding solutions to these issues and learning from its cause are both helpful measures for anyone currently suffering. In addition, seeking physical therapy assistance may not only improve your recovery timeline but it can also aid in avoiding any repeat occurrences.

Chronic and severe back pain is the leading cause of job-related disability in America. With so many days missed and employees leaving the workforce due to these issues, finding solutions while understanding causes with proper treatment patterns is essential. Physical therapy programs are individualized by design and while each situation is unique, there are common applications and workplace related assistance to help these individuals. Particularly through return-to-work style programs, those affected will have the resources available to combat back pain issues from any of these most common causes.

Strains/Sprains From Everyday Movements

A simple sneeze is often the thing which may just be the reason someone suffers a lower back injury. Any other quick or unexpected movements also have the ability to cause a strain or sprain in the lower back area. Lifting objects incorrectly, turning too quickly, sitting at a desk all day, there are multiple everyday occurrences which may be the culprit behind an individual routinely feeling discomfort or pain in their lower back.

Associated with each of those regular movements are also injuries which occur to individuals that cause issues. Falling down the steps or slipping on ice, being involved in a car wreck, or any other blunt force trauma all have the potential to result in back pain. Getting proper treatment for these issues, as soon as possible, is critical to avoid a chronic recurrence or any lingering suffering from these actions.

Sciatica/Nerve Problems

The sciatic nerve tends to appear and begin causing problems as individuals age. Along with this most commonly recognized nerve, plenty of others may become pinched in the lower back causing pain or discomfort. Chronic tingling sensations can also be bothersome for individuals and may be helped through a properly designed physical therapy regimen.

Unfortunately, an individual’s personal posture is often related to their lower back pain or issue. Physical therapists are able to assist individuals with their strength, balance, and coordination in order to help improve any of these noticeable issues. 

If you or someone you know needs treatment for lower back pain, suffers from chronic mobility issues, or may be seeking physical therapy services for another reason, then consider reaching out to the experts at North Platte Physical Therapy, Monument Physical Therapy, Big Country Rehabilitation, and Bear Lodge Rehabilitation today. Offering 18 different locations across Wyoming and Nebraska, our professional staff are ready and willing to help administer and create a personalized plan of action specific to your needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Available for all of your physical therapy and related offerings, we look forward to meeting you and providing the type of service you can rely on to help improve your overall wellness very soon!