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Why Active Recovery Days Are the Best Way to Avoid Needing Physical Therapy Services

August 13, 2020

Exercising regularly is one of the most important things you can do for your body. It helps build up strength and keeps your body limber so you can avoid having to scour the internet for “physical therapy near me.” However, that doesn’t mean you should push yourself every single day. You need to take time away from your strenuous workouts. So, should you spend those days sitting on your couch binge-watching your latest favorite show? Not necessarily. Instead, you should incorporate active recovery days into your workout week. This is what you need to know.

What Active Recovery Means
Active recovery means you’re giving your body a break from the strenuous workouts you do on your normal gym days, but instead of sitting all day, you’re getting up and moving. Think of an active recovery day as an ultra-light workout day. If you normally run, go for a long and leisurely walk. If you lifted weights the day before, run through some yoga or stretch and walk the tension out. 

The Benefits of Active Recovery Days
Now that you understand what active recovery is, you’re likely wondering why it’s so important. After all, you deserve to be able to rest and take a day off after working out incredibly hard. While you’re certainly entitled to periods of rest, active recovery days have a few compelling benefits.

Keeps Your Muscles Loose
If you’ve ever worked out incredibly hard only to find that you’re stiff the next morning, you know that keeping your muscles loose is a challenge. Not only do stiff muscles increase the pain you feel throughout the day, but they also put you at risk for injury when you get back into your workout routine. Active recovery days emphasize movement, helping to keep your muscles loose and get rid of those feelings of stiffness that keep you from being able to work out as hard as you’d like later in the week.

Gives You Time to Focus on Form
Active recovery doesn’t have to mean taking a break from your exercise routine. It just means going at it with a lot less intensity. You can use this to your advantage and focus on form instead of how hard you’re pushing yourself. By paying attention to your form and building muscle memory when you’re not pushing yourself, you’ll be able to maintain that form later without as much effort.

It’s Fun and Relaxing
Believe it or not, active recovery days can be fun and relaxing. They’re the perfect opportunity to try new exercises and experience new things without having to worry about missing out on your workout. Just remember to keep things fun and don’t put pressure on yourself to perform to a certain level.

Keep Your Body Moving
Movement is the best medicine and is the easiest way to keep your muscles loose and healthy. If you ever end up dealing with an injury or are worried about a persistent ache that won’t go away, reach out and schedule an appointment with our team.