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Questions to ask when looking for a Denver physical therapist

May 22, 2019

If you've recently experienced an injury, or you are looking to start a new exercise routine and need some assistance you will need to start the search for a Denver physical therapist. Looking for a physical therapist can be overwhelming, and if you are looking for the first time, even a little confusing. When determining which physical therapist to go with, be sure to ask the following questions to ensure you find the right physical therapist for your needs. 

What can I expect from my session?
This is an important opportunity for you to ask questions of your physical therapist such as how they run the session, what your exercises will look like, what you will need to bring, etc. It’s important that you fully understand what you are getting yourself in to, and to fully understand what your therapy will look. 

How many patients do you see at one time? 
This question is an important one, and goes hand in hand with the last. If multiple patients are seen at once you would be in your session with others. Determine if it matters to you to be seen alone or with others. 

When will I see improvements? 
If you are seeing a physical therapist to recover from an injury, you are probably hoping for a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, this might not always be the case. Recovery time is going to depend on your injury, as well as what your routine will look like. If you are curious, always ask prior to selecting your physical therapist. If different therapists have different answers, it could be for very different but important reasons. 

Do you accept my insurance?
It’s important to ask if the physical therapist accepts your insurance. Physical therapy can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be if your insurance can help. Contact your insurance about their co-pay policies and what costs look like for in- and out- of network.

What is your cancellation policy?
Life happens and sometimes you might need to cancel your appointment. When you cancel your appointment you want to know what the policy will be. Will they charge you extra? Most of the time you will need to cancel at least 24 hours in advance to avoid any additional fees or costs. 

What do you expect from me? 
This will be a great question to learn more about your physical therapist and begin to build a personal relationship. This will also be a great question to differentiate your options and give you valuable insight into the type of physical therapist you will be selecting. While this can certainly be an uncomfortable question to ask, it’s an important one! 

At North Platte Physical Therapy, we are here to help meet your needs and ensure a safe recovery, or a safe start to a new exercise routine. We serve the communities of Wyoming and Nebraska with 22 clinics offering a full range of physical therapy services for post-cast recovery. Contact us today for more information.