Did you know that greater-Cheyenne alone is home to nearly 100 amatuer adult baseball and softball clubs? If you’re one of these thirty-something or forty-something diamond sport athletes in the Casper, Gillette or Powell area, you’d be surprised to learn how a quick visit to North Platte Physical Therapy can help your game in gear long before summer starts, because let’s face it —it’s not your rookie season anymore! There are a variety of ways that North Platte Physical Therapy can get your body prepared for the upcoming spring and summer recreational season, whether you’re still playing the American pastime or just eager to get back in shape. For young baseball and softball players, implementing a sound arm training regimen at a young age can help you prevent injury and ensure a long playing career.Â
Whether you’re a young outfielder or a veteran park league pitcher, the repetitive motion of throwing risks a variety of intricate muscle and tendon groups that are important in everyday life when the game ends. In fact, Little League Baseball has taken a variety of steps to ensure that the young arms in their ranks are utilized sparingly, so that players are at less risk of arm injury as they age.Â
The friendly, professional physical therapists here at North Platte Physical Therapy can help throwers young and old improve mobility and motion to prevent and eliminate pain. Common shoulder injuries related to diamond sports include shoulder tendonitis, medial epicondylar apophysis, avulsion fractures and even ulnar collateral ligament tears. Whether you're just beginning your baseball or softball career, or in the twilight of it, patterning with a physical therapist can provide tremendous benefit. Our team can help you evaluate any pertinent weaknesses or muscle imbalances and teach and implement effective stretching routines to keep your arm in the game all summer long. Our series of arm and shoulder exercise programs can even help you improve the strength, power and endurance of the major muscle groups in your shoulder, wrists and elbow.
Lastly, know the difference between pain and fatigue. If you experience any swelling or sharp pains while throwing —stop immediately and contact your local health care provider or one of our physical therapy professionals. If your arm is sore a day after throwing, don’t throw again that day. Give the muscles and tendons in your arm time to heal and regain strength before taking the diamond again.Â
Whether you’re playing in an amatuer league, or just simply plan on being more active this spring and summer, let the professional, knowledgeable and responsive team here at
North Platte Physical Therapy get you prepared for your sport. Whether you’re an outdoorsman from Casper, an amatuer runner from Powell, or a hiker from Gillette, our team will always be here to help you prepare for your sport by providing you with a variety of preventative maintenance and performance enhancement treatment options.