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Is Your Back Pain Caused by a Disc Bulge? Ways Casper Physical Therapy Can Help

January 24, 2018

Is Your Back Pain Caused by a Disc Bulge? Ways Casper Physical Therapy Can Help
Do you have consistent lower back pain, that isn’t getting better with time? Is some of the pain even radiating down your legs and into your feet? It is best to visit your doctor to see if you have a bulging lower back disc. Over time it can become a herniated disc, with pain that can also travel to other areas, including the legs and feet. It is best to know the signs and symptoms of a bulging disc and act quickly, methods and proper steps to take for recovery, and how local Casper physical therapy can help.

Signs and Symptoms

Discs are located in between vertebrae and are the cushions that absorb motion and shocks. Over time or due to certain movements, those discs can become weaker causing them to swell. It could be from improper lifting techniques or just use over time.

Once a disc is bulging, its internal gel-like fluid in the disc is pushed out, causing it to protrude out of place. Because of its location at the bottom of the spine, the area’s many nerve endings make any small thing even more painful. Symptoms are not severe at first, and worsen over time. Some of the top bulging disc symptoms include:
  • A sharp pain during certain movements that feels like an electrical shock
  • Numbness or tingling in the back, or even down the legs and feet
  • Radiating pain in the lower back area
  • Muscle spasms
  • Cramping in the back or legs
  • Weakness and difficulty walking or other movements

Taking Proper Steps

Upon the first signs of having an issue, see your doctor. You do not want the bulging disc to rupture, as it will cause even more pain in the lower back, legs and feet. What is a ruptured disc and how is it treated? It is important to learn about it, and avoid getting to that point. Be sure to follow their specific instructions to ensure a speedy recovery that will improve the quality of your condition. In addition, you can also:
  • Use anti-inflammatories (as recommended by your physician) to reduce swelling in the area
  • Use a brace to provide extra support to your lower back
  • Take it easy and avoid excessive use
  • Have proper posture when sitting in a supportive chair
  • See a physical therapist

Recovering with Physical Therapy

A premier physical therapist can assess your personal situation and create a plan for your recovery. This can be done through a series of exercises for the area, massage therapy, decompression, and more. This will help to lower the amount of swelling in the lower back, therefore relieving a lot of pain. It can also strengthen that muscle again, and hopefully you will not have to go through the problem again if you maintain it properly.

It is important that you don’t let pain and discomfort persist, get help from a physical therapist. Your go-to physical therapy office, North Platte Physical Therapy, can help you get on track and on your way to recovery. Don’t deal with pain—contact us today and schedule your appointment.

How Physical Therapy in Morrill, WY and Our Other Locations Will Help You Overcome an Injury

January 17, 2018

How Physical Therapy in Morrill, WY and Our Other Locations Will Help You Overcome an Injury
Upon sustaining an injury, whether it be a fall or athletic occurrence, taking the recovery process seriously is important. Many people delay the process, which is incredibly detrimental. Not only can your recovery be delayed, but faulting to work under a doctor’s care and guidance may lead to long term damage. If you are overcoming an injury, make sure to learn the importance of physical therapy in Morrill, WY and our other locations, if you suffer from kinesiophobia, and additional recovery tips.

Importance of Physical Therapy During Recovery

Upon sustaining an injury, not only will your doctor help you recover, but a physical therapist will too. Physical therapists play a crucial role in the reduction and elimination of pain, and will teach you important motions along the way. Through various exercises and techniques, your physical therapist will help you build strength and teach you how to avoid the mistake in the future. Injuries are often occurrences of repeated motions, which a physical therapist will help you avoid. In some cases, therapy can even help you avoid having to have a costly and invasive surgery.

Overcoming Kinesiophobia

Despite knowing how important it is to get back to normal after an injury, it can be a scary time. You may be afraid you will injure yourself again, or you will re-live the pain experienced the initial injury. This happens to many people, and is known as “kinesiophobia,” the fear of moving. The fear surrounding movement can become overwhelming, leaving some to avoid therapy and improvement just to avoid a situation becoming worse. It can also be confusing when there is pain during the recovery process. If you feel you suffer from kinesiophobia, know that your doctor and physical therapist are properly instructing you. Learn more about kinesiophobia and how to stop the fear of movement.

Additional Recovery Tips

To help you recover from your injury more quickly, make sure you are eating a balanced diet. Proper nutrition will fuel your body. Load up on healthy green vegetables and protein—working with your doctor and physical therapist to help you learn what will be best for your plan. It is also helpful to properly rest and relax. Move and exercise under the guidance of professionals, but don’t overdo it. If you over-extend or push yourself beyond your limits, you can ruin your hard work and make your condition worse. If you find yourself melancholy or not like yourself during the recovery, know this is normal. An injury can change your day-to-day routine, so be sure to talk to your doctor and physical therapist about how you feel. They can help overcome the feelings during your recovery.

To help you through your recovery process, North Platte Physical Therapy is here to help. Our team will create a plan specific to you that will get you back to yourself more quickly. As you prepare to see us, learn what to expect on your first visit to North Platte Physical Therapy. Get started with your recovery process and contact us today.

Ways Your Physical Therapist in Torrington, WY Will Alleve Women's Health Issues

January 10, 2018

Ways Your Physical Therapist in Torrington, WY Will Alleve Women's Health Issues
Did you know that a physical therapist in Torrington, WY can help you treat various women’s health issues? In addition to working with your doctor, physical therapy can help reduce symptoms and improve the way you feel. Learn about the top three issues, osteoporosis, pelvic floor pain, and incontinence, and how a physical therapist can help.


Osteoporosis is a disease where the bones become porous and denser, increasing the possibility for fractures. While this disease can occur in men, it is most common in women. It is often noticed in women going through menopause, or post-menopausal, but can happen for some even in their 20s. Estrogen often keeps bones strong, so when the amount of estrogen declines, so can bone production. Osteoporosis can be a condition on its own, or it can be a symptom of another disease. It is common amongst smaller women, who do not exercise, and may have poor nutrition. It’s also linked to smoking and alcohol consumption. A physical therapist can assist by using a variety of treatments, such as spine exercises, helping you learn exercises you can do on your own, or manual therapy. They may also use myofascial release techniques, which is when a physical therapist applies pressure to connective tissue.

Pelvic Floor Pain

Women may experience pain in their pelvic floor for a variety of reasons. It can be from a variety of areas, such as your reproductive system, as well as urinary or digestive. You may notice an issue after experiencing incontinence, issues making it to the bathroom, an overactive bladder, or other accidental symptoms. Other women experience a heavy feeling in their pelvic area, while others may also feel pain during sex. It happens when there is a change in the pelvic muscles—typically when they tighten. A key way to work on this is by strengthening them. A physical therapist can use manual therapy and myofascial release techniques. They will also teach you exercises to do on your own to help you strengthen the pelvic muscles.


Each year, millions of women experience urinary and fecal incontinence. This can occur from a normal, every day action, such as walking, coughing, or sneezing, that leads you to have a leak. Similar to pelvic floor pain, this occurs when the muscles in the urinary track become weak. It’s common in women that have given birth, but can happen in other instances too. For example, certain food and beverages can lead to a stimulated bladder, as well as urinary tract infections, aging, menopause, hysterectomy, obstruction, or disease. Since the causes are so vast, you can learn more about urinary incontinence from the Mayo Clinic. Treatments are similar to pelvic floor pain—all to help you improve your symptoms and regain strength in the area.

To help you with any of your women’s health issues, North Platte Physical Therapy has a team of experts ready to help. Through very specialized techniques, our staff will help you improve and possible alleviate symptoms and provide you relief. It is important to know you aren’t alone and there are things you can do. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment.

Meet Your 2018 Fitness Goals with Casper Physical Therapy

January 3, 2018

Meet Your 2018 Fitness Goals with Casper Physical Therapy
With the end of yet another year, are you amongst the many who have yet to realize their fitness goals? Or perhaps you would like to make changes to your existing routine? With the new year here, there’s never been a better time to make a plan to meet your goals. It just takes creating and sticking to your plan, without letting small bumps along the way throw you off. Learn about the top types of fitness goals people choose as New Year resolutions, tips for staying on track, and using Casper physical therapy the help you reach your goals for the new year.

Top Fitness Goals

  • Toning: There has always been a misconception with strength training and the belief that it makes a person bulky. Not at all! Toning is beneficial for both those wanting to lose weight, or just fine tune. You can tone through weights, kettlebells, medicine balls, elastic bands, and other items. In fact, you don’t even need equipment at all by using your own body weight!
  • Running: Whether it’s your first 5K or advancing your way to longer lengths, hitting a running goal is an awesome accomplishment. It is important to gain consistency, eat right, and get into the right mindset. Here is a list of six key factors to achieving your marathon goal.  
  • Weight Loss: Losing weight ranks in the top five or New Year resolutions, and over half of the people who set out to lose pounds fail by March. For some, it’s just the hustle and bustle of life. For others, goals are unrealistic in terms of timing, nutritional intake, or just general expectations as to the end goal.

Tips for Staying on Track

To ensure you stick to your New Year fitness goals, it is important to set realistic milestones throughout the year. For instance, give yourself specific goals for the first of each month. This could include lowering your fat ratio during strength training by a percentage point, extending your running endurance by another minute or two, or losing five pounds.

Purchase a journal or goal setting app and set your goals throughout the year. Keep yourself accountable and if you need to readjust the goals midway through, do that! So much can happen in a year. It is important to keep a realistic mindset. Do not start off too strong at an unfeasible amount that you can’t sustain.

Benefits of Physical Therapy

Did you know physical therapy can help you with your fitness goals? No matter what they are, working with a physical therapist will help you learn the correct form for all of your activities. This will help you prevent injuries and be a more efficient athlete or person trying to be healthier. If you do sustain an injury, a physical therapist will be there every step of the way during your recovery. From regaining your strength, to the coping process, it is important to make them a part of your fitness routine.

To help you prepare for the New Year, North Platte Physical Therapy is your go-to physical therapist. Serving communities in Wyoming and Nebraska, you can count on our team to help you meet and exceed your goals. This can be especially helpful when planning your weight loss journey and physical therapy in Cheyenne, WY. Contact us today to set up your 2018 appointment!

Ways Physical Therapy in Casper, WY will Help with Parkinson's Disease

December 20, 2017

Ways Physical Therapy in Casper, WY will Help with Parkinson's Disease
Whether you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, or have a loved one coping with it, it is important to know there are ways to manage it. With all of today’s advancements, mixed with treatment, the estimated 10 million across the globe living with this disease have hope. If you’re just trying to educate yourself about Parkinson’s or are very familiar, here’s a quick overview of the condition, top symptoms and treatments and how premier physical therapy in Casper, WY will help.

Overview of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s is a disease of one’s nervous system, which impacts their movement abilities and motor skills. Over time, the nerve cells in one’s brain degenerate, hence causing the body to lose the ability to send signals throughout the body for movement. While there are breakthroughs happening every day for the disease, there still is not a cure. Those studying Parkinson’s are working to find the cause and hopefully soon the cure. Currently, researchers have found that Parkinson’s can be a genetic disease, and certain factors in the environment may have an impact in a diagnosis. Some of the latest advancements to find a cure include medication that targets areas that may cause or have involvement with the disease, determining types of non-motor function, and medicine to aid in functional issues.

What to Look for  

Overall, Parkinson’s is a disease that impacts the ability of a person’s movement. One of the first signs one with the disease notices is a tremor. This is a small shaking that can occur in the hands or chin. Many notice it starts with a movement between the thumb and index finger. Other symptoms include slower movements, poor balance, changes in handwriting, improper posture, difficulty with normal, everyday motions such, vocal changes and/or slurred speech, and stiff movements. Now, you may have experienced one or even a couple of these symptoms—it does not mean you have Parkinson’s. It is important to understand what these symptoms look like, which is explained in the 10 early signs of Parkinson’s Disease.

Treatment and Incorporating Physical Therapy

As researchers work towards a cure, there are medications that can help a person better manage their symptoms. Some medications include neurotransmitters that help to make up for the lack of signals from the brain to your body, prescriptions that create a similar effect of dopamine, and methods to slow brain degeneration. In some cases when medication does not help, a deep brain stimulation surgery can be performed. This stimulates the brain. In addition to go-to medications, physical therapy can aid in managing this disease and improve one’s quality of life. A local physical therapist can aid in the changes in one’s movement and coordination, balance and posture, pain, weak areas, and more. This occurs through a series of exercises specifically created for the patient. When searching for a physical therapist, it is important to find one experienced with this disease.

If you or a loved one are living with Parkinson’s, North Platte Physical Therapy is experienced with this disease. We have a variety of procedures through our neurological services to help you with day-to-day tasks. Contact us today to find a location near you and get started.