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Treating Pain With Ice vs. Heat, What’s The Difference?

January 4, 2017

Treating Pain With Ice vs. Heat, What’s The Difference?
Ouch! Do you feel a minor ache or pain somewhere in your body? Whether you twisted your ankle the wrong way or lifted a little bit too much at the gym, aches and pains can put a major damper on your day, so it’s important to learn the best way to treat them. Two of the best pain relievers, ice and heat, are often used to fight off pain and get back on your feet, but is one better than the other? A physical therapist in Cheyenne WY from North Platte Physical Therapy explains treating injuries with ice vs. heat:

When to Use Ice

If your injury is brand new, it’s best to treat it with ice right away. Ice will immediately reduce inflammation and swelling in tissue near the surface. Apply ice to the injured area for a few minutes and you can also get a little relief from pain. How? Ice constricts your blood vessels underneath the surface, which not only helps with inflammation, but also numbs the pain so you don’t have to suffer any longer.

You should also use ice if you’re worried a new injury will leave a nasty bruise on your skin, since it can help prevent discoloration as well. A good rule to follow is to always use ice immediately after an injury to limit the swelling and bruising that may develop. Learn more about using ice and cold packs.

When to Use Heat

Did you have a long, stressful day at the office? You may start to feel tense in your neck, shoulders, or back, especially if you’ve been sitting at a desk all day. In this situation, which should you grab: an ice pack or heating pad? Definitely the heat. Applying heat to these areas can help loosen the muscles and relieve some of the tension you feel. In fact, heat is not only the best choice, it’s the only choice when it comes to tense muscles. Whereas ice constricts the blood vessels, heat increases the blood flow to the affected area, which can help relax tight muscles. Ice cannot be used to treat muscle tension—it actually makes the discomfort worse—so stick to your heating pad.

You should also use heat if you start to feel deep muscle cramping or soreness from a workout. Heat can help alleviate the aches and pains associated with stiff joints as well, so a heating pad is a great way for people with arthritis to manage their symptoms on a daily basis.

In general, heat is much more effective when the issue stems from a deep tissue or muscle, whereas ice is more effective when the issue is on the surface or in the tissues right underneath the skin.

Contact North Platte Physical Therapy to learn more about treating aches and pains with ice or heat. Our staff is praised throughout the Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska areas for our commitment to our clients. We can fulfill comprehensive physical therapy services, and would be happy to customize a treatment plan for your personal needs.

Merry Christmas! From NPPT Torrington

By Amanda Libsack - December 23, 2016

Merry Christmas!  From NPPT Torrington
We're making Christmas look good today!  Have a happy holiday!  

Physical Therapy Benefits of the Graston Technique

December 21, 2016

Physical Therapy Benefits of the Graston Technique
Your body is replete with soft tissues that help maintain and support the various organs, muscles, and nerves in your body. However, many injuries can damage soft tissue and impair your ability to utilize certain areas of your body. The Graston Technique is an innovative treatment that can alleviate injuries that involve soft tissue damage. If you are experiencing pain in a certain area of your body, you should learn about the Graston Technique treatment that premier Wyoming physical therapy services can provide.

Graston Technique

The best Cheyenne physical therapists can effectively perform the Graston Technique. The technique entails various stainless steel instruments, each instrument varies in size and purpose, and therapy experts can use their advanced knowledge to determine which instruments would perform the function that you need. Experts can press the given instrument against your skin to detect any damaged tissue in the injured area of your body. Your therapist then moves the instrument over the surface of your skin in back-and-forth or circular motions. The rubbing of this instrument over your skin can mobilize the damaged tissue, remove the tension or toxins from the tissue, and eradicate any fascial restrictions that are causing you pain or limiting your range-of-motion. Although the Graston Technique is modern and innovative, the technique has garnered widespread popularity because the efficacy of the treatment is validated by scientific evidence and legitimized by the medical community.  

Types of Injuries

You can have top Wyoming physical therapists utilize the Graston Technique to treat many types of injuries. Numerous injuries consist of soft tissue in the muscles and tendons being damaged or torn. Injuries also typically entail excessive levels of scar tissue accumulating in the damaged area of your body. During your treatment sessions, your therapist can use the instruments to detect any tissue damage in the area, accurately identify the precise location of the tissue damage, and then use the instrument to relieve the pain and repair the damage. As a result, the Graston Technique can be used in many different areas of your body. The technique can help treat injuries in your neck, back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, or ankle. The technique can also relieve diverse conditions that these areas often incur, such as sprains, strains, tears, or dislocations.  

Treatment Benefits

Many benefits accompany Graston Technique treatments. Premier Wyoming physical therapists can use the technique to remove excess scar tissue buildup, repair tissue damage, and eradicate toxins from the injured area of your body. In turn, the treatment can relieve the pain you are experiencing without you needing to take powerful and potentially dangerous medications. The technique also increases the blood flow to the given area, which then allows beneficial oxygen and nutrients to help heal the damaged tissue. This helps improve the strength of your muscle, expand the range-of-motion of your injured limb, and restore the proper functioning of your body. Additionally, the treatment has been proven to entirely treat chronic soft tissue conditions in a relatively short amount of time. As a result, the Graston technique treatment can alleviate the pain and accelerate the recovery process so you can resume your daily routines and physical activities as soon as possible.  

Contact North Platte Physical Therapy to provide the Graston Technique treatment. Our expert staff has earned a prestigious reputation by providing superior physical therapy services and by satisfying customers all throughout the Wyoming and Nebraska areas. We can provide you with the personalized service you deserve, we use the best treatment techniques available, and we would be happy to implement a therapy program that can treat the painful symptoms of your condition and maximize the healthy condition of your body.  

Cheyenne WY Physical Therapist Explains Pain Versus Soreness

December 14, 2016

Cheyenne WY Physical Therapist Explains Pain Versus Soreness
Soreness and pain can both be unpleasant, but it’s important to understand the difference so you know when the discomfort you’re feeling is something more serious than a minor ache. What’s the difference? When should you seek medical attention? Here’s what you need to know according to a physical therapist in Cheyenne WY:


Pain tends to be a sharp pain that you feel during movement or at rest. Depending on the injury, the pain you feel may be minor or severe to the point where it hurts to put pressure on the affected area. It could occur in a muscle, bone, or joint, depending on what type of injury you have sustained. Soreness, however, is usually not as extreme. Soreness is characterized by a burning or worn out sensation in the muscles, like the kind you feel after lifting weights or pushing yourself to the limit. Unlike pain, you tend to feel soreness only in the muscles.


Pain can usually be felt immediately following an injury. For example, you may suddenly have to stop a workout after experiencing a sharp pain from moving or twisting in the wrong direction. However, in some cases you may not experience any pain for about a day after the activity. However, soreness does not set in right away. In fact, you probably will not notice any soreness for 24-72 hours following the physical activity.


The discomfort you feel should go away in a few days if it’s truly soreness. This is more than enough time for your muscles to heal from the exercise or physical activity you did to cause the soreness. However, pain will not go away as easily if there is an injury present. If you don’t seek medical attention for ongoing pain, you may continue to experience it until it is properly treated. In fact, the pain could even get worse if you injure yourself further.


Soreness can usually be alleviated with light stretching and gentle exercise, however you should always stop if you feel the discomfort begin to worsen. These gentle movements are usually enough to relieve the tightness of the muscles and ease the discomfort you feel. Learn how to stretch to relieve sore muscles here. On the other hand, if you are experiencing pain, you should limit the amount of activity you do. Instead, put ice on the affected area and stay off of it as much as possible over the next few days.
If the pain remains or worsens, you may need to see a doctor or physical therapist. A physical therapist can identify the issue causing the pain and help you recover from it while also teaching you how to avoid further injuries in the future.
Contact North Platte Physical Therapy to learn more about aches and pains. Our staff is praised throughout the Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska areas for our commitment to our clients. We can fulfill comprehensive physical therapy services, and would be happy to customize a treatment plan that can help you enjoy all of your physical activities without injuring yourself

Cheyenne WY Physical Therapy Tips For Preventing Injuries This Winter

December 7, 2016

Cheyenne WY Physical Therapy Tips For Preventing Injuries This Winter
Injuries can happen at any time of the year, but many people are at a higher risk during the cold winter months. How can you protect yourself this year? According to the Cheyenne WY physical therapy experts at North Platte Physical Therapy, you just have to follow these tips:

Don’t rush

During the winter season, there will likely be ice and snow covering the ground, which makes it much easier to slip and fall. To avoid a serious injury, try to plan ahead so you do not have to rush to get anywhere. This will help you slow down and ensure you never have to walk quickly to get to your final destination. The faster you walk, the easier it is for you to slip on the icy ground underneath you.

Pick the right shoes

Before you step onto any icy patches or areas covered in snow, you should also make sure you are wearing the right shoes. Look for shoes that have a large tread on the bottom, as these will help you grip onto the ground and keep you upright. Remember, a slip and fall accident can lead to serious back, neck, and head injuries, so it’s best to be cautious when it comes to walking outside in the winter. Learn how to find the best shoes for walking on ice.

Warm up

You should always stretch before and after a workout, but this becomes even more important during the winter. Muscles tend to tighten up in cold weather, meaning any sudden movements could easily cause an injury. So, if you go for a run without stretching out your muscles, the sudden shift from standing to constant motion could strain your muscles. To avoid this happening to you, take a few minutes to stretch out your muscles prior to doing any physical activity and right after finishing the workout as well. Stretching will loosen the tight muscles and prepare them for physical activity so you can enjoy your favorite workout without suffering afterwards.

Pace yourself

Do you have a long driveway covered in snow? If you have to shovel all of the snow on your own, make sure you pace yourself. Snow may look light and fluffy, but it can actually be quite heavy, especially if it’s enough to fill up a snow shovel. It may be cold outside, but you shouldn’t rush through this job just so you can quickly get back into the warmth. Take your time and listen to your body as you move along your driveway. If you feel any pain, you should stop immediately instead of powering through it. Remember, pain is your body’s way of telling you there’s something wrong that needs your attention!
Contact North Platte Physical Therapy to learn more about how you can avoid pain, sprains and strains. Our staff is praised throughout the Wyoming and Nebraska areas for our commitment to our clients. We can fulfill comprehensive physical therapy services, and would be happy to customize a treatment plan that can help you enjoy all of your favorite winter activities without injuring yourself.