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Physical Therapy Services For Sciatic Nerve Pain

Most people think of physical therapy in terms of injury recovery or for the elderly as they hope to improve mobility following some type of procedure. However, the truth is physical therapy has multiple benefits for individuals of all ages helping to treat and prevent a wide range of issues. Depending on the particular problem, children can benefit from receiving physical therapy services and even adults for many areas not associated with some type of injury or mobility issue. As we age, the chances for needing physical therapy may increase but the need still exists for people in all seasons of their lives.

Sciatica pain is related to a nerve of the same name, which often presents itself as lower back, hip, or leg pain in the body. This tingling and sometimes debilitating issue is triggered from a variety of different medical causes but typically impacts people as they age from 30 to 50 years old and beyond. Physical therapy is often a quality remedy for the pain as it can aid in treating many of the factors associated with any nerve issue. The benefits of targeting this pain with physical therapy treatment sessions offers a variety of different positives for those who may be dealing with sciatic pain as they age.

Pain / Swelling Reduction

Depending on the severity of sciatic pain, there could be associated swelling along the lower back, hip, and/or legs. This swelling or redness is often reduced with a targeted physical therapy plan, in addition to helping alleviate some of the other painful symptoms. Due to its personalized nature, a specific physical therapy regimen targets the exact symptoms for each individual patient helping to reduce pain, swelling, or any discoloration as the plan progresses.

Physical Movement

At times an individual's movements may be limited due to the effects of sciatic pain. In these instances, physical therapy can be utilized to help increase mobility and return an individual to their prior capabilities before any sciatic issues.

Prevent Symptom Recurrence

A targeted physical therapy plan of action will also help eliminate sciatic symptoms from recurring over time. Depending on the cause behind these initial issues, physical therapy may be used to offset their tendencies while helping generate a better course of action for the future. For example, the cause of sciatic pain may be related to overcompensation from one limb or side of the body to the other. A physical therapist will create tasks to help compensate for these practices, helping to adjust the body and prevent any symptom recurrence over time.

Strengthen Muscles

A program may also be created to help strengthen the lower back, pelvic, and leg muscles which can also eliminate sciatic pain. Creating a firm and stable base for the body, especially at its core, helps eliminate many nerve pain related issues. By developing a plan of action to increase the functionality of these body parts, individuals suffering from sciatic pain may soon have their symptoms relieved through the use of physical therapy.

If you or someone you know suffers from sciatic pain, needs extra assistance with mobility, or is seeking services for a preventative reason, then consider reaching out to the physical therapy experts at North Platte Physical Therapy, Monument Physical Therapy, Big Country Rehabilitation, and Bear Lodge Rehabilitation today. Offering 18 different locations across Wyoming and Nebraska, our professional staff are ready and willing to help administer and create a personalized plan of action specific to your needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Available for all of your physical therapy and related offerings, we look forward to meeting you and providing the type of service you can rely on to help improve your overall wellness very soon!