North Platte Physical Therapy - LaGrange


NPPT in LaGrange is a satellite clinic that operates out of our Torrington office.  Our goal is to provide quality professional care with a family friendly atmosphere to the rural population of southeastern Goshen County.  We realize that the agricultural community has limited time to drive to Torrington or Cheyenne for therapy and would like to provide the service in a nearby town to allow them access and still tend to their work at home.

Location Details

Address: 560 2nd Avenue, Suite 211, LaGrange, WY 82221
Hours: Tues & Thurs: 9AM - 11AM
Fax: 307-532-5455
Amanda Hicks, DPT, SFMA

Clinic Supervisor

During my time in the Navy I not only went through PT myself, I saw several people go from severely injured to fully functional again. I was inspired by the transformation that took place in PT, when people came in with pain and disability and left with a sense of freedom and accomplishment. I loved that there was always more than one answer and if you put in the work, the results would come, even if not all the pain was taken away, PT still added quality to people"s life. I love that physical therapy is there for people in their worst conditions, can help with pain and weakness that takes away from living, and gives people a better life. Physical therapy can be hard, maybe the worst thing you have ever done; but we are here for our patients, we care about them deeply, and we want to help you become independent. I love pushing people to be their best and watching them progress beyond the point of needing us.


  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals 2015
  • B.S. of Biology, Washington State University Vancouver 2012

Certifications/Specialized Training:

  • Wyoming Board of Physical Therapy
  • Colorado Board of Physical Therapy

Continuing Education:

  • Therapeutic Neuroscience Education in Pain, Integrative Dry Needling

Hometown: Fort Collins, CO


Services Offered

Latest News & Info

Physical Therapy Services For Lower Back Pain

Physical Therapy Services For Lower Back Pain
There are a number of different reasons why someone may decide to pursue physical therapy for pain relief, but where these issues occur tends to vary. Treatment options exist for every age individual with numerous applications for receiving physical therapy in an effort to alleviate chronic pain. The lower back is one area which haunts many different people and finding a brief reprieve of these issues can be especially helpful. Targeting this area allows for affected individuals to receive some relief from constant pain and a well designed therapy approach could help impacted people move forward with a better quality of life than those who elect not to pursue some help.

Millions of individuals around the world deal with lower back pain and managing these issues becomes priority for those who are impacted. Being able to manage these feelings and pursue a life where the pain can be forgotten is obviously the goal. Finding a treatment to deal with one of the most common issues people face today in terms of their own personal well being is something which should be given high priority. In fact, there are multiple available options for those suffering from lower back pain when it comes to physical therapy.


Millions of individuals deal with lower back pain either as a work related injury or other onset issue and finding a way in which to deal with this issue is extremely important. Fortunately, there are a number of physical therapy related practices which address these problems and can help individuals on their path to recovery.

Spinal Manipulation

When utilizing spinal manipulation, individuals are hoping a forced movement of the spine may result in some type of pain relief. Depending on the severity of the issues, understanding where to apply pressure and how any maneuvering could benefit the subject are both important aspects of creating a pain free environment for patients.


Creating increased mobility within the spinal region is another important aspect for those suffering from lower back pain. By opening up the movement patterns within this space, individuals are far less likely to continually deal with any pain related issues.


Improving strength in the lower back also helps alleviate many pain related issues. These exercises often are seen as preventative measures, but in the event pain is already prevalent steps can be taken to help remedy the situation.


Another specific focus on removing lower back pain is often associated with improving flexibility. Instead of waiting until a problem arises, taking steps to ensure these joints already have an established form of flexibility can be especially helpful. 

If you or someone you know needs treatment for lower back pain, suffers from chronic mobility issues, or may be seeking physical therapy services for another reason, then consider reaching out to the experts at North Platte Physical Therapy, Monument Physical Therapy, Big Country Rehabilitation, and Bear Lodge Rehabilitation today. Offering 18 different locations across Wyoming and Nebraska, our professional staff are ready and willing to help administer and create a personalized plan of action specific to your needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Available for all of your physical therapy and related offerings, we look forward to meeting you and providing the type of service you can rely on to help improve your overall wellness very soon!

Physical Therapy Services For Sciatic Nerve Pain

Physical Therapy Services For Sciatic Nerve Pain

Most people think of physical therapy in terms of injury recovery or for the elderly as they hope to improve mobility following some type of procedure. However, the truth is physical therapy has multiple benefits for individuals of all ages helping to treat and prevent a wide range of issues. Depending on the particular problem, children can benefit from receiving physical therapy services and even adults for many areas not associated with some type of injury or mobility issue. As we age, the chances for needing physical therapy may increase but the need still exists for people in all seasons of their lives.

Sciatica pain is related to a nerve of the same name, which often presents itself as lower back, hip, or leg pain in the body. This tingling and sometimes debilitating issue is triggered from a variety of different medical causes but typically impacts people as they age from 30 to 50 years old and beyond. Physical therapy is often a quality remedy for the pain as it can aid in treating many of the factors associated with any nerve issue. The benefits of targeting this pain with physical therapy treatment sessions offers a variety of different positives for those who may be dealing with sciatic pain as they age.

Pain / Swelling Reduction

Depending on the severity of sciatic pain, there could be associated swelling along the lower back, hip, and/or legs. This swelling or redness is often reduced with a targeted physical therapy plan, in addition to helping alleviate some of the other painful symptoms. Due to its personalized nature, a specific physical therapy regimen targets the exact symptoms for each individual patient helping to reduce pain, swelling, or any discoloration as the plan progresses.

Physical Movement

At times an individual's movements may be limited due to the effects of sciatic pain. In these instances, physical therapy can be utilized to help increase mobility and return an individual to their prior capabilities before any sciatic issues.

Prevent Symptom Recurrence

A targeted physical therapy plan of action will also help eliminate sciatic symptoms from recurring over time. Depending on the cause behind these initial issues, physical therapy may be used to offset their tendencies while helping generate a better course of action for the future. For example, the cause of sciatic pain may be related to overcompensation from one limb or side of the body to the other. A physical therapist will create tasks to help compensate for these practices, helping to adjust the body and prevent any symptom recurrence over time.

Strengthen Muscles

A program may also be created to help strengthen the lower back, pelvic, and leg muscles which can also eliminate sciatic pain. Creating a firm and stable base for the body, especially at its core, helps eliminate many nerve pain related issues. By developing a plan of action to increase the functionality of these body parts, individuals suffering from sciatic pain may soon have their symptoms relieved through the use of physical therapy.

If you or someone you know suffers from sciatic pain, needs extra assistance with mobility, or is seeking services for a preventative reason, then consider reaching out to the physical therapy experts at North Platte Physical Therapy, Monument Physical Therapy, Big Country Rehabilitation, and Bear Lodge Rehabilitation today. Offering 18 different locations across Wyoming and Nebraska, our professional staff are ready and willing to help administer and create a personalized plan of action specific to your needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Available for all of your physical therapy and related offerings, we look forward to meeting you and providing the type of service you can rely on to help improve your overall wellness very soon!

Physical Therapy Services: Hip Replacement Benefits and Recovery

Physical Therapy Services: Hip Replacement Benefits and Recovery
There are numerous orthopedic physical therapy needs for individuals, especially as they age. While the cause of certain treatments differs from patient to patient, one particular enhancement is typically the result of growing older. Hip replacement is often suggested when an individual suffers from pain, swelling, or a lack of mobility due to the corresponding joint. Similar to knee replacement or a shoulder surgery, often hip replacements are due to the joints wearing out over time. While the function may still be available, padding or cartilage which helps cushion the blow of movement is eventually erased over time. This can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life and help often arrives in the form of surgery.

Hip surgery recovery timelines vary by each individual patient, but most can expect to undergo some type of treatment for approximately 10-12 weeks following the procedure. These changes and plans need attention in order to assure a positive road to recovery, which is an important aspect for the health of any patient. Fortunately, the benefits and ability to easily overcome this particular surgery is helpful as subjects prepare their own focus.

Pain Relief

One of the most common reasons individuals undergo hip replacement is due to the pain being caused by their natural joint. There are various reasons why a hip may be causing pain to its owner, but relieving these issues is commonly achieved through surgery.


A lack of strength in the joint may develop over time, but can also be remedied through replacement surgery. Almost immediately following a surgical repairment, subjects are able to support weight and attempt some pre-surgery activities.


The movement of a hip joint is essential in many locomotive activities and is often jeopardized when there are issues present. When repaired, these mobility exercises are often improved and can lead to a return in pre-injury performance.

Quality of Life

A reduction in the quality of life for individuals who suffer with hip issues is apparent due to the abundance of how important the hip joint manages movement. Obviously any detrimental activities are going to negatively impact a person’s ability to properly function in any given environment. Fortunately, modern medicine and surgical advancements have allowed for improved capabilities for those who elect to have hip replacement surgery.


The recovery process from any surgery varies depending on a variety of different components, but those who undergo hip replacement often need extra care. While their ability to walk may return immediately, especially with assistance, the overall process can take months before individuals feel like they did prior to undergoing the knife.

If you or someone you know suffers from hip joint pain issues, needs extra assistance with mobility, or is seeking services for another reason, then consider reaching out to the physical therapy experts at North Platte Physical Therapy, Monument Physical Therapy, Big Country Rehabilitation, and Bear Lodge Rehabilitation today. Offering 18 different locations across Wyoming and Nebraska, our professional staff are ready and willing to help administer and create a personalized plan of action specific to your needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Available for all of your physical therapy and related offerings, we look forward to meeting you and providing the type of service you can rely on to help improve your overall wellness very soon!

Neck Pain Problems

Neck Pain Problems

There are multiple benefits to physical therapy and one of the most common ailments many people treat is neck pain. These issues cause suffering which is not matched by many other common problems throughout the body. For example, neck pain often leads to severe headaches while sending reminders of its existence each and every time someone makes any type of move. In order to deal with this predicament, physical therapy services aid in offering relief to get individuals back on track as quickly as possible.

According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately half of all people will experience a neck pain issue which warrants some form of treatment over their lifetime. With this being such a broad, problematic situation, understanding both the assistance available and types of pain is important. For many, physical therapy treatments help in getting relief from all different forms of neck pain problems.

Facet Dysfunction

The scientific name for a simple crick in your neck, many people wake with these types of issues from a rough night's sleep. Depending on how or where you fell asleep, the resulting neck pain is likely from staying in an uncomfortable position for a majority of the night. While these problems often heal on their own over time, there are certain situations where physical therapy or some other treatment may be necessary.


Experiencing tingling in the extremities is sometimes the result of a neck issue. With a bundle of nerves around the head and neck area, any numbness or tingling throughout the body could originate from this position.

Chronic Headaches

Chronic headaches often result from constant neck pain and should be dealt with accordingly. Instead of battling these issues with over-the-counter medicines, physical therapy applied to the neck area could assist in offering some relief from these painful symptoms.


Another pain problem resulting from neck issues is dizziness. Feeling disoriented or having intermittent dizzy spells could be a potential neck issue. Depending on the onset of these symptoms and any related activities or issues, neck pain may be the root cause of this problem. Targeting the area with a personally designed physical therapy plan will assist in generating relief.

Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease

Depending on your lifestyle and/or genetics, the onset of degenerative disk or joint disease could also be related to neck pain problems. Targeting this area of the body with certain maneuvers and procedures could alleviate some of the resulting pain issues and help patients with their recovery efforts.

If you or someone you know suffers from medical issues, needs extra assistance with mobility, or is seeking services for a preventative reason, then consider reaching out to the physical therapy experts at North Platte Physical Therapy, Monument Physical Therapy, Big Country Rehabilitation, and Bear Lodge Rehabilitation today. Offering 18 different locations across Wyoming and Nebraska, our professional staff are ready and willing to help administer and create a personalized plan of action specific to your needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Available for all of your physical therapy and related offerings, we look forward to meeting you and providing the type of service you can rely on to help improve your overall wellness very soon!

Spinal Cord Injury Rehab Approach

Spinal Cord Injury Rehab Approach
Rehabilitation services play an important role for a number of individuals across the country, all based on an individual’s specific needs. Depending on the extent of an injury, creating a personalized recovery plan is just one of the many benefits for seeking physical therapy and a professional experience. These advanced metrics not only ensure the best overall care for patients, but it helps individuals from all walks of life with a relegated approach to create healing along a reasonable timeline. Spinal cord injuries are one of the most intricate and potentially harmful, in terms of execution, timing, and recovery. For these reasons, creating a personalized plan of action for all rehabilitation services is extremely important.

While it is difficult to cure spinal cord injuries, there are steps which can be taken to address the issues. By targeting certain aspects of the body and an individual’s functional abilities, physical therapists can formulate a plan of action to address certain needs. This approach helps not only to improve movement but also certain other features, all while speeding up the recovery timeline.


Spinal cord injuries often result in some form of impact to an individual’s mobility. Due to the connective aspect a spinal cord plays within the body between the nervous system and each of the limbs, any issues are likely to affect movement and use. Through a regimented physical therapy program, patients are often able to improve upon their mobility over time.


Communication may also be influenced by any type of spinal cord issue but is also able to be targeted through rehabilitation practices. Be this inner body transfers, similar to the above impacts on mobility, or communication between a patient and other individuals, specific skills and routines may be used to improve these functions.

Muscle Strength

Muscle strength is going to be different between all individuals and likely to vary considerably depending on a person’s age. Depending on the capabilities of a subject prior to suffering an injury, physical therapy approaches will vary considerably. This is one reason why each program is specifically designed to meet the needs of the patient, helping improve upon their particular abilities and formulate a return to pre-existing functions as quickly as possible.


Back injuries and specifically spinal cord issues can dramatically affect a person’s ability to move. If you’ve suffered even a muscle pull, it's quickly realized just how important the back is to daily function and injuries to the spinal cord are even more severe. Flexibility allows for relief of some of this pain, but achieving a desired range of motion varies greatly on how easily the person can twist, turn, reach, and bend. By targeting flexibility during rehabilitation of a spinal cord injury, patients may see an increased result in their efforts to return performing pre-injury movements.

If you or someone you know suffers from spinal cord or back issues, needs extra assistance with mobility, or is seeking services for another reason, then consider reaching out to the physical therapy experts at North Platte Physical Therapy, Monument Physical Therapy, Big Country Rehabilitation, and Bear Lodge Rehabilitation today. Offering 18 different locations across Wyoming and Nebraska, our professional staff are ready and willing to help administer and create a personalized plan of action specific to your needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Available for all of your physical therapy and related offerings, we look forward to meeting you and providing the type of service you can rely on to help improve your overall wellness very soon!